

dunksrnice and rockthesole visit south city :)

so rolo and mindy came and visited since i FINALLY had time to chill. we were trying to chill that whole week but i was always too busy :( i ain't no flaker like JOHNDEUCE! yeah i'm calling you out! hahaha.

'twas a long day. tested out each other's camera equipment even though rolo used my shit most of the time. headed to carl's junior, tanforan, back home, kfc and all this other shit. haha check out his site at
http://dunksrnice.net. i don't even remember all that happened, but it was a good day word to ice cube. that's CLAAAINNN. hahah rolo's word.

i always thought rolo's car, tina, was white. haha oops. too many pics i took. this isn't even half of them :(


dunksrnice said...

I'm still waiting for more though haha, mindy hates some of the pictures. haha too funny but you know what.


rockthesole said...

eww that you mad picture though LOL.